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白宫风云 第三季3.0

类型:剧情 欧美 美国 2001 

主演:罗伯·劳 斯托卡特·詹宁 杜勒·希尔 艾莉森·珍妮 理查德·希夫 约翰 

导演:Chris Misiano 

白宫风云 第三季剧情简介

热播美剧白宫风云 第三季由罗伯·劳,斯托卡特·詹宁,杜勒·希尔,艾莉森·珍妮,理查德·希夫,约翰·斯宾塞,布莱德利·惠特福德,马丁·辛主演,艾伦·索金编剧,全剧共有22集,影片英文名:baigongfengyundisanji ,美剧白宫风云 第三季剧情讲述了  Season 3: 2001–2002  Cast: Rob Lowe, Stockard Channing, Dulé Hill, Allison Janney, Janel Moloney, Richard Schiff, John Spencer, Bradley Whitford and Martin Sheen  The third season, which covers the administration's third and fourth years in office, starts off with Bartlet announcing his intention to run for reelection and is heavily devoted to the upcoming presidential election. Other prominent plotlines include Congressional investigations into whether Bartlet committed electoral fraud by concealing his MS, a death threat against C.J. and the ensuing relationship she develops with a Secret Service agent assigned to her, the Qumari defense minister Abdul Shareef plotting terrorist attacks against the US, and a troubling meeting between Toby and the President that leaves Bartlet with a bout of insomnia in "Night Five." The season finale, "Posse Comitatus" closes several of these storylines as Bartlet meets his opponent in the elections and reaffirms his commitment to beat him. The episode ends with the president finally deciding to order Shareef's assassination (a legally questionable act) and C.J.'s agent's murder, just after the man threatening C.J. was caught.  From a critical perspective, series creator Aaron Sorkin acknowledged in October 2002 that the terrorism-related plots designed to keep the series relevant after the real-life 9/11 attacks were awkward at times, saying "from week to week, you felt like you were writing the show handcuffed, a little bit. I didn't know how to write it anymore. It was a constant search for what I wasn't doing that used to make the show work. [...] Maybe there was a way to make it work; there probably was. I wasn't able to find it in twenty-two episodes." [1] Nonetheless, the show went on to win its third "Outstanding Drama" Emmy in a row.美剧白宫风云 第三季由米栎影视在互联网自动收集到网页端免费在线观看,白宫风云 第三季手机端免费在线播放,迅雷等下载方式。

米悦剧集网提供白宫风云 第三季 高清完整未删减版,白宫风云 第三季 蓝光HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/MP4百度云高清版/在线观看,本文地址:http://www.hnxtx.com/post/64111.html 。

白宫风云 第三季影评

米栎影视网友:Chris,Misiano导演在《白宫风云 第三季》这部影片中的运镜、剪辑、还有演员罗伯·劳,斯托卡特·詹宁,杜勒·希尔,艾莉森·珍妮,理查德·希夫,约翰·斯宾塞,布莱德利·惠特福德,马丁·辛 的演技、影片的配乐都是满分的存在,非常喜欢《白宫风云 第三季》这部片子,开头拍摄珍的画面充满了爱意,果然是爱人所拍。有些人很幸运,因为他们很早就发现了自己想做的事、并用尽一切办法和力量去追寻。

百度云网友:《白宫风云 第三季》真是一播出就注定是经典,我一直觉得影片就应该要表达出一些超越记录对象本身的东西。《白宫风云 第三季》这部片子做到了。在我心里它就是年度最美最治愈影片。

樱花动漫网友: 感慨于导演Chris,Misiano的才华,直到看完《白宫风云 第三季》全片,才知道海报为何这样设计,横向纵向对比的确都是近年来的佳作,真正的电影,质感很好,这是那种挑不出太大毛病的Chris,Misiano式电影,很完满,很规整。

豆瓣电影场网友: 看完影片《白宫风云 第三季》有感,在这个强调解构、偏好轻盈的年代,Chris,Misiano导演一以贯之自己的史诗叙事,保持庞大命题,追求日常之上呈现,塑造人物写实般的角色,给予本来理性、冷静、严肃的物理一种激情和诗意,调动所有观众一同沉浸在《白宫风云 第三季》的情绪之中。


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